Claims, Appeals & Forms
General Information
Providers or members who wish to file a complaint or submit an appeal for a denied claim or service can find the necessary information in this section.
Submit Claims
Submission Information:
Submit claims to the following address:
Attention: Claims Department
PO Box 45180
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0180
Contact Us
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us:
Hours: M–F, 8 am–6 pm
Phone: 801-587-6480
Appeals Process
Appeal Rights
Medicaid & CHIP: Appeals must be received within 60 days from the date on Notice of Action or EOB.
Neurobehavioral HOME: Appeals must be received within 60 days from the date
UHCP, UUHP Group, and Individual Plans Appeals: Members have 180 days to appeal from Notice of Action Letter/EOB.
UNI & Miners: Please contact appeal coordinators at 801-587-6480 or 888-271-5870.
Please note: Effective January 1, 2016, the University of Utah Health Plans (
To File an Appeal
You, your legally authorized representative or your provider may file your appeal. If you need help filing your appeal, call us at 801-587-6480. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call Utah Relay Services at 711 or 1-800-346-4128.
Healthy U Medicaid Appeal Form
Si necesita esta carta en Español, por favor llamenos al 801-587-6480 o 1-888-271-5870 opcion 1. Si habla español, puede llamar a Spanish Relay Utah al 1-888-346-3162. These are free public telephone relay services or TTY/TDD. Estos son servicios gratuitos de retransmisión telefónica pública o TTY / TDD.
Submission Information:
Send the complete written appeal to this address:
Appeals Team
6056 Fashion Square Dr., Suite 3104
Murray, UT 84107
Or you can fax to 801-587-9985
Response Time
How long will it take for a decision to be made?
Medicare Advantage: 60 calendar days. Commercial: 45 calendar days. Medicaid: 30 calendar days.
If you or your provider believes your life or immediate health is in danger, you may ask for an expedited (quick) appeal by calling Customer Service at 801-587-6480. If we agree the decision needs to be made quickly, we will make a decision in three calendar days for U of U Health Plans/Group and Individual Plans or 72 hours for Healthy U Medicaid.
For Routine or Expedited Appeals: Sometimes, we may need more information. If so, we may take an additional 14 calendar days to make our decision. If we need to take extra time, we will send you a letter. If you have U of U Health Plans Group or Individual Plans, we will call you to explain why we need more time. We need your permission to take the extra time for the appeal review.
Fraud & Abuse
What is fraud and abuse?
Fraud is when a person does something on purpose so that the person gets something he or she shouldn't. If a person tries to get health care from a doctor by using another person's U of U Health Plans card, that is one type of fraud. Another type of fraud is if a doctor bills U of U Health Plans on purpose for a service that wasn't done.
Abuse is when a person does something that costs U of U Health Plans extra money. If a U of U Health Plans member goes to the emergency room when it isn't really an emergency, that is one type of abuse. Another type of abuse is when a doctor does more services than the patient needs.
What can I do to stop fraud and abuse?
- Do not give your ID number to anyone except your doctor or provider.
- Do not ask your doctor or for health care that you do not need.
- If you are offered free health care in exchange for your ID card number, call Healthy U.
- If someone says they know how to make U of U Health Plans pay for health care that we do not pay for, please call us.
- Do not let anyone use your ID card.
- Call us if a provider tries to make you pay for your care (except for your co-pay if you have one).
What can I do if I suspect fraud and abuse?
Fill out the Fraud and Abuse Reporting form above or call U of U Health Plan’s Compliance Officer at 1-888-271-5870. You don't even have to tell us your name if you don't want to.
Utilization Review Guidelines
Care Coordination will be provided through our Care Management Department for the following:
- An individual that has been identified with a chronic health condition or health care need that may benefit from care manager support.
- An individual with health care needs that may want some help in making sure they care they receive is timely, appropriate and cost effective.
We encourage you to submit a pre-service request for medical review of the listed services.
We encourage you to submit a pre-service request for a medical review of the listed services.
- Abortion services
- Bariatric procedures
- Cosmetic procedures
- Custom wheelchairs
- Durable medical equipment
- Home health care
- Implants, such as vagal nerve stimulators
- Outpatient therapies (ST)
- Pharmacy: injectables administered outside the provider's office, hospital setting, or clinic
- Prosthetics
- Synagis immunization
- TMJ services
- Transplant services: lung heart, liver, kidney, bone marrow, cornea, and the like
We require notification for any inpatient admission. U of U Health Plans will monitor all inpatient hospital stays, including skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation services.
Services deemed ‘medically necessary’ do not guarantee payment if coverage terminates, benefits change, benefit limits are exhausted, or pre-existing conditions apply.
Utilization review means a review and confirmation program determining the medical necessity of any care service or treatment. All covered benefits are generally based on medical necessity, and utilization review is not limited to the above list.
University of Utah Health Plans - Utilization Review Guidelines